Tonight I went to Cafe Dolce. Earlier in the afternoon my parents and sister decided to abandon me. It was kind of unusual as they didn't even mention where they going or how long they would be gone (as of 11:53 they still aren't home). When they were gone I blasted music throughout the house and thoroughly cleaned my room, both satisfying tasks. In the evening Emily and Bryan came by to pick me up, and checked out my pad. At Dolce the waiter was really strange, but oddly comical at the same time. It cracked me up how he kept basically shitting on all the deserts even though he worked there. Sitting in the cafe and talking was good, but I enjoyed the car ride back just as much. I love car rides for some reason, especially when its dark outside. It felt like how a summer night should be to me, with the loud songs on the car's stereo, raindrops on the windshield, and the company of the two fine people I was with. For the next few hours I plan on reading Barack Obama's Dreams of My Father. I never make time to read during the school year, and its something I truly miss.
The song for the day, Music at Night by The Coral, sounds a bit cliché after writing this post, but its a brilliant song. Go find it in my playlist.