That last post was a tad wee bit melodramatic. I was just caught in the worst moment, and that test was like giant thunder cloud over me. Yesterday I was walking through the blizzard and I realized that I really haven't been working nearly as hard as I could. For some reason I got so determined, and furious with myself, to actually do something about it. I am going to try, in earnest, to not have my computer on until I have finished all my homework. I take it back, I am not going to try. I am actually going to do it. Get some initiative and get over myself. I have had enough of my own bullshit. I am a smart kid and I will start doing better in school.
I am in an odd fuck-the-world mood, but at the same time quite optimistic, as conflicting as it sounds.

The song of my day/week/month is Titus Andronicus - Upon Viewing Bruegel's "Landscape With the Fall of Icarus"
The video for this song is great as well.