Part of me wanted to go into a warm cave this weekend and just stay there, warm and asleep. But it just happened to have been homecoming, so that idea was promptly annihilated. Homecoming, the dance itself I mean, was surprisingly good this year, partly because I went with impossibly low expectations. Most people went and complained the whole time about how they wished it was over. How are you going to enjoy anything in life thinking like that? Anyways the day was killed by the ensuing party. I don't get the whole drinking thing. Or partying with a bunch of people you don't really know/like. I'm glad I left early. Yesterday I went to see Why? at Clark. The lead singer had so much energy and it was a really lively show. This whole entry is a recap, but it feels that my last week needs has been so packed, that its the only way I can blog today. I just realized I haven't slept in my own bed since last thursday! I went to Yom Kippur services with the Glick fam this morning. I didn't know what to expect, since I haven't been to temple for a while. At first I was a bit intimidated by all the Hebrew, but then as the rabbi talked and the service went on I was so glad to be there. This one part of the prayer book about atoning seemed like the wisest little page in the world. It was all about problems in life, and discovering who you really are. Religion is such a mystery to me. I like the feeling of being involved in one, but I often can't fundamentally understand them. Yesterday the song of the day was anything by why, but today I have listened to Phoenix non-stop instead of studying. Lisztomania.