So this weekend was terrible, but all of that seems forever ago because today was supaaah! This weekend I felt trapped in my own mind mostly, and consequently overthought little things and grew frustrated, and it didn't help that it was shitty out 24/7. Going to school did a world of good. For some reason everything about my day at the Regional was splendid, and I just felt happy the whole day (and now). I'm being kind of vague about all this but I don't feel like going into greater depths. Life is nice. Thats my blog for today.
I got this limited edition Titus Andronicus vinyl record from a photography contest, which was great, despite it being addressed to a Mister J.Hersk. I am going to bed BEFORE 9 tonight, and then waking up to to see the Leonid meteor shower. So byebye computer.
The picture of the day is of my sister's art. She's really good at this thing called life, even if it isn't always easy.
Song: I'm Not Going to Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance- Black Kids