Since I have been not feeling well the past few days and it has been raining constantly, I decided to watch all three Lord of the Rings films in order. I felt like a forty year old nerd who has a house full of mint condition action figures, but on the other hand it took my mind of the agony of my throat. I don't have strep or anything, but whenever I breathe I get a sharp and jarring pain, but enough about that for now. I had a brilliant idea today when I was thinking about the fact that I will be missing about 3 weeks of blogging when I go to Europe. The idea is to actually write a journal by hand of my travels in a little old notebook my grandpa gave me, and then put them on here when I get back!
Random thought of 12:01. Everyone has there own ideas, stories and problems and the fact that we all try to understand each other over the course of our lives is intriguing. I wish I was better with words to describe the maze of thoughts in my head right now. Summer Skin by Death Cab