It's funny. Whenever I go out on a walk I usually bring my camera. About half an hour ago I drove over to the sanctuary without it, and of course missed out on what could have been the best photograph, but it doesn't even matter.
I just needed to get out of the house, and the feeling of going somewhere by myself in my car makes me feel limitless, and instantly refreshed. Since I have gotten my license, I have gone to the sanctuary pretty much everyday, and it does wonders for my mental health.
At the sanctuary I parked and looked out onto the dull and dark marsh and decided to instead walk up towards the woods, rather than the barren and frozen swamp below me. At the sanctuary there is a huge field with trees at all sides. During the summer its covered in wild milkweed plants, but in the winter remains cold, in every sense of the word. To get to this field you have to pass through an archway of pine trees, and as I reached these trees I noticed seven deer, poised and alert at my arrival. Anyhow, I walked closer towards them and they froze still. It was one of the most dramatic moments, with the wind biting at my exposed face and running through the branches of trees. I must have stood there for about five minutes, just watching. The grey clouds looked straight out of a film, and it was one of those moments when you feel alive. I ran back to my car, winded, and drove home. In those five minutes I felt more than I have the past few weeks, and it made an otherwise shitty Valentines Day just fine.
Kettering by the Antlers. I have listened to them nonstop for three days.
Well I just had this burning desire to blog. Not like a hugely and intensely personal blog, just put down some random thoughts down on here. Blogger is wack, I don't like it and was going to quit this thing, and then I remembered how important this was to me a while ago. So basically I have resolved to not give a fuck about it, and do this to enjoy it. I don't care what I write or how it will be perceived. This is mine.
I am not going to describe anything of the past few weeks, I can't at the moment. But the past few days have been solid. It's one of those feelings were things are swinging up, and Humanities Scholars trips never fail to make me laugh. Long story short: Things are okay.
I am working on my February mix, and for once I am looking forward to winter carnival.