Two more days of march (and by extension, winter). I have not blogged recently because my life has been sort of uneventful, yet alright. Nothing much has happened the past month, which makes it feel a bit dull. I can't wait for spring, and I love when things work out better than you expect.


Rain is good to me. Today I took the SATs at Fitchburg. It was strange not talking to anyone for 7 hours. My prompter was this Latino guy called Anthony who had gang tattoos and a lip ring, who read a book called Super Poker the whole time. The tests were long and arduous, just getting used to the timing is tough. But thats done for now which is nice. I had a fun day with friends today. It's amazing how all of a sudden things seem to be going swell.

It's March and I feel increasingly disconnected. I just find that I never act myself this time of the year, like I have some sort of mental block as winter drags on. I feel weighed down and frustrated about a lot of things: school, friends, girls and I know half of it is just myself over-thinking things, which makes it even more aggravating. I'm doing fine, but it sometimes feels like a grind and I just need for winter to end. I really want to walk outside again with shorts, or just to be more carefree. I feel this wrenching feeling in my stomach thinking of how bad I want spring and the change it brings.

Winter is really balls. It feels like a trap and if it snows one more time...I might have to go on a murderous rampage. Anywhow, like the weather my mood fluctuates, and some days like today are good and others are just 'going through the motions' shitty. It's hard to feel as excited about things, especially in school.
Today at work there was a new bird in the bird cage! Since last year there has been one lonely little white bird in a cage. Seeing it finally joined by a companion gave me a surge of energy for some reason. This blog is a trainwreck but I don't really mind.
Bro time today playing with photoshop was almost too fun. Spontanenoussness is all the gets me through November-April. Song of the Day- Beat Boy by Die Antwoord!!!!