This is my cat, Mister Fred. Today when I got home from school, I thought my house had turned into a mental institution. As soon as I walked in the door, blaring music met my ears. In the living room my Dad was watching an exercise video at full volume and was following the steps with great gusto. The funny thing was that it was a exercises based on Bollywood movies, Indian movies with lively songs, ridiculous dance moves not meant for fifty year old men, and recycled plots. A little confused, I went upstairs to find Mister Fred exactly as he is in this picture. He conveyed a cattish shrug to me as if he was saying "I don't know what your dad is doing, maybe he is finally lost his mind". And then he rolled over and went to bed. I pictured him talking in a very dry, sardonic voice. I sound like the crazy one now, but cats are very expressive, especially when you are in the lethargic mood I was in today. I am not looking forward to taking my first final tomorrow which I haven't studied for. Oh well. Today I was listening to the song Mondayze by this band that I adore called The Reels. Give it a listen though, especially on a Monday.


em rose said...

mondayze = love
that picture is beautiful
your dad is the most animated, espressive man ever when he talks about mister fred :)