The best thing that happened today was going to the doctors office, as unusual as it sounds. I was sitting in a chair, directly adjacent to a colorful aquarium, waiting for my appointment, when Latino family with about five kids entered. As they walked towards a desk, their little boy sprinted directly towards me, drawn to the vibrant fish. He couldn't have been more than ten years old, and he was the funniest looking kid. He had slicked back hair to match his extremely cartoonish face. This face was a big head, with a pointy nose and large, protruding ears. His smile instantly made me smile and made me feel better. He was wearing ridiculously long shorts, a sleevless shirt with a huge jesus piece around his neck. He unabashedly walked up to me and asked me "Which fishie is your favorite?", and began to talk to me hurriedly as if we were old friends. I told him that I liked the starfish the most and he started tapping the glass trying to get it to move. After losing interest he started to name all the fish and abruptly asked me if I thought large shell in the tank 'would be a nice place to live'. The conversation lasted until the nurse called me in. I am on so many meds right now.
Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie. I recommend watching the video and listening to this song if you have a moment.