After I was harshly woken up by my cat that crept into my room and started licking my face, my dad handed me a brush and I was forced to scrub the porch, in the scorching rays of the sun. I wasn't very pleased to do this menial task and it put me in a very bad mood. That changed when I went on a hike with B-Diehl. On the ledges I felt all my senses heightened and it was wild. Being around nature and letting it encompass you is crazy. I'm finding it hard gathering my thoughts about today, partly because my mind still feels like it is racing. I'm in peculiar mood right now. I feel I am watching my own recent life in slow motion. It's not a bad thing. Like it is as if my brain is trying to keep up with pace of my summer. It's hard to explain.
The pictures were taken at night, and the top one is yet again of the mysterious car. Upon further inspection the keys were left inside it, but it didn't start. The song for today is People Got a Lot of Nerve by Neko Case.