I wish my blog today was a painting that conveyed my emotions more deftly than my words. I feel like a splatter painting of perceptions. Like http://jacksonpollock.org/. Today was fine, in terms of being event-filled I guess. I ran in the rain, went to the mall, and hung out with friends, and I also had a two hour drive time that was extremely stressful, as I had never driven before, despite having my permit for months. This is the first time I have had writers block on this blog. I need to write whats in my head.
I realized today how sad insecurities are. Everyone has them, to different extents. They make us settle for less, and hide behind different and fabricated guises and facades. I wish people acted as if they were five. Arcade fire can put it better than I ever will:
Children wake up,
hold your mistake up,
before they turn the summer into dust.
If the children don’t grow up,
our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.
We’re just a million little god’s causin rain storms turnin’ every good thing to rust.
I guess we’ll just have to adjust
My head is really muddled presently and I can't move my fingers on the keyboard at the pace of my thoughts. I feel so ____ ( confused, exhausted, contemplative, uncertain, complacent).
Tonight I plan on watching The Godfather until very late. Nothing better than watching the vendetta's of timeless Italian mobsters in order to fall asleep.