I was looking at my blog, and all I write about recently is work and school. Boring Boring Boring. Anyways, I was thinking back to something that Mr Larson, the best sub in the universe, said to me once. He was describing what he called 'life cycles', or something complex and mathematical about graphing and predicting our moods through natural rhythms. He told me that when you are on a rise or an up pattern to really try and go out and do things you would't normally do. Basically as Ben Stiller would say "Grab life by the balls". This coupled with the 'I don't give two shits' attitude, have been me lately, to some extent.
This week I have been riding a wave of everything being satisfactory and life seeming easily pleasant. I think being like this is tied into feeling useful and creative. I all thought of this when I was walking through the windy rain to get cake frosting.
The humanities scholars trip was interesting-ish. The professors did their thang and I ate like a madman, taking advantage of the free lunch.
I want to go to the beach. Maybe when it is more wintery though.