Thanksgiving Oh Nine was a great many things. It feels as if the world has sped up, and I don’t know how I am going to write today or where to start.

On the way to New Jersey we took the train, it was a long and lumbering affair. I generally like the act of traveling, despite the exhaustion that it entails, as it allows me to think and people-watch. We passed the grim junkyards, unsightly swamps and small cities that seemed to be crumbling before my eyes. I like the feeling of being on a train, staring at the blur of the world going by you, feeling a certain detachment. I began to glance at the people surrounding me on the train, developing fanciful stories of their lives or terrible tragedies based on the creases of their forehead or a sudden smile.

At Penn Station, public transportation was horrendous, as is often the case, and I found myself waiting for our connecting train in the midst of hundreds, if not thousands, of people. For some reason I felt overwhelmed. Everyone was talking on their phones, eating their fast food, and I couldn’t take it. It all seemed so fake, like they were all robots. Not really living. I wanted to crawl into a ball.

Thanksgiving was the best. After building up an appetite playing basketball, we headed in to gorge our stomachs. I should probably mention who this ‘we’ is. My family always stays with the Amato's. I have known their son Max the longest of any friend, and I remember Simon before he was three feet tall. We stay at their grandparents, Sol and Sylvia’s house, and it has the best feeling of warmth and comfort. During the dinner one of the funniest conversation’s of my life arose. We had been talking about teenage slang, but the discourse had shifted towards old 1930’s movies. Upon describing one of her favorite films Sylvia asked the table if we “knew what a geek is?” Naturally we all did, but it turns out our meanings of the word were completely different.

In his slow and deliberate voice Sol read out the definition of a geek.

“A person who swallows live animals, bugs, etc., as a form of entertainment at fairs etc. This often included biting the heads off of chickens.” We all laughed for what seemed like hours. The mood was so infectiously filled with joy and lightness.

Our annual trip into the city was as they say “short but sweet”. We went into stores like Topman and UO that I honestly could have spent every last penny of my money. I restrained myself and bought a purple pair of jeans. The feeling of being in the city never ceases to get to me. Little details fascinate me. Then there are the people themselves. I started writing this post with unrealistic expectations that it would successfully describe my thanksgiving week, but it has come up short. What can you do?

Yesterday my mum left for England to care for my grandfather, and my sister and I braved the train home ourselves. I am sitting in my room right now, responsible for her, my house and just about everything. This is difficult. I am not worried or anything, but its a strange feeling when your house doesn't really feel like home. It is all very lonely.

It will all be fine tomorrow, exciting even. It is just depressing to get home to an empty house when it is dark out.

This evening I was feeling a little frustrated, but then I put on some Frank Sinatra. This week will be fine.

Today was nice. I cannot wait to go to Jersey and live out my secret mobster existence over Thanksgiving. New Jersey is generally considered on of the ugliest and most depressing states. I disagree.
Right now= Zero bad anything going on.

I am so tired in every sense of the word, that I am going to bed now. It's 7:26 and I feel like I am six years old.
Song: D. G. A. F. L. Y. F by Super Mash Bros.
This is the first time I have not used one of my own pictures in my blog. I simply don't have the energy.

Today was good because I rediscovered a band. I love that. Maybe I will try to forget bands intentionally now and then listen to them after a long while. The band I dug up today was Wolf Parade. I loved them a few years ago, and I came across them again on today realized how damn good they are. If you don't know them please give them a listen. I'll Believe in Anything- Wolf Parade

So this weekend was terrible, but all of that seems forever ago because today was supaaah! This weekend I felt trapped in my own mind mostly, and consequently overthought little things and grew frustrated, and it didn't help that it was shitty out 24/7. Going to school did a world of good. For some reason everything about my day at the Regional was splendid, and I just felt happy the whole day (and now). I'm being kind of vague about all this but I don't feel like going into greater depths. Life is nice. Thats my blog for today.
I got this limited edition Titus Andronicus vinyl record from a photography contest, which was great, despite it being addressed to a Mister J.Hersk. I am going to bed BEFORE 9 tonight, and then waking up to to see the Leonid meteor shower. So byebye computer.
The picture of the day is of my sister's art. She's really good at this thing called life, even if it isn't always easy.
Song: I'm Not Going to Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance- Black Kids

Your going away
And I'm feeling the same
Thing Day after Day
I can't let it go

Everyone in this room
They've got troubles too
Secret stories and
Lies that we never knew

Xavia, who will save us?

Today is a list day:
1. Went to Barnes and Noble
2. Bought two Dave Eggars books
3. Talked to my dad on skype
4. Listened to music for 7 hours
5. Felt like shit
6. Felt great

7. Started my thirty plus pages of history reading at 10:28

I had never felt confident enough to just be crazy and dance like a grade A lunatic. So today I didn't give two shits about what anyone thought and tried to have a killer time with my lovely chums. Tonight's DP=best time

I walked up to see Mister Fred, all tucked away under the covers. There were cries from the baby next door, and he seemed so removed from it all. In his little cave of blankets. I wish we traded places for the day. Make that week.

I used to hate getting shots, but now I really don't mind at all. Yes, I got my priority H1N1 shot, for all those viewers at home who were wondering. You can just call me Joey Swine-Free, yeah I rhymed. no big deal.
Anyhow, Wednesdays are always so full, what with babysitting and actual work and then schoolwork. I felt hyper-efficient when I got home from cleaning/sitting, until I realized that all my homework was done solely in my imagination. R.I.P First term of schoolio. I won't miss you and I will laugh at your funeral, obnoxiously. Anyhow this is quite possibly the strangest (and worst) blog I have done in a while. And I am fairly sure that was the billionth time I have said 'anyhow'.
Run to Your Grave by the Mae Shi.Click d@t Shit.

My padre left for South Africa today. I'm so jealous. Being there last year was such an genuine experience, I felt so alive everyday there, brimming with all things new. Anyhow back to life here, I have honestly been listening to music for the last seven hours without a break. I don't want to sound like one of those cliche 'omg omg music <3' kids, but although I haven't had a productive day by anyone's standards, everything seems alright. Music always takes me away from the pressures of daily life and I feel happy.

I am going to look back on high school and have a huge laugh.