I woke up this morning and felt just as shitty as I did yesterday, so I lay in bed for a few hours, staring at the ceiling, which did the trick and I felt much better. My family went to the beach today with the Friedman's and it was a fantastic day. It was by no means stereotypical beach weather, but I prefer the ocean when it's cloudy and windy with a 70% chance of rain. I really want to go to the beach in the winter sometime, like in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (thats a link to see it). The sound of the surf hitting the shore and the gulls shrieking are ones I can't go long without, I realized. Imagine living in Kansas and never seeing the seaside. I found that the hour and some car rides each way were almost as good as the beach, as we listened to so many songs. If this day was a facebook status I would 'like it' probably twice, if thats even possible.. My street cred and self-respect is in tatters after that last sentence. Lua by Conor Oberst is my favorite song of the voyage to Plum Island today.