Today started off with the promise of a good day. It wasn't. My mum went to the beach with my sister and her friends and it struck me that I haven't been to the beach at all this year, and funnily enough I don't mind at all.
I hate people who are stuck up, self-centered and think they can get whatever they want. That is why my day was lacking. The highlights were painting my porch in the sun and seeing Bremilyan (lame nickname for bryan and emily '09 oh yeahh). It was really nice seeing them, but I was caught up with this stupid argument over money with a kid. He kept bullying me to try and get what he wanted. It was a saga and half. Gahh. I look forward to a carefree day at a lake someday soon with people! I had a nice chat with my dad over dinner. When we had done talking it was starting to get dark out. Tomorrow I have a drive time which will be most likely unpleasant but hopefully the day will be salvaged if I am able to see Harry Potter. Those books are such a big part of my childhood and early adolescence, and they were always a constant. The song of the day is And the Hazy Sea by Cymbals Eat Guitars