I've wanted to blog so badly the last few days, but I haven't been able to for a combination of reasons. My cousin arrived from England a few days ago so I have not been alone much, and some family friends with little kids are staying, so my duties as a host have overwhelmed any chances to blog.
It's 1:04 and I thought I was tired about ten minutes ago, but as usual, waves of energy surge and keep me up. It is really nice having my cousin here. We never see each other during the year, but during the summer we do, and catching up with the contents of a year always makes us very close and really good friends.
The past few days have been surprisingly filled. Since a bunch of people are here I am making a big effort to always find something to do. Tonight we had a big monopoly game and I never lose. I had some qualms about being so gleeful beating a ten and seven year old in the game, but I had spoiling little kids and letting them win at everything. It's not a good preparation for life is it?
Yesterday I realized how atrocious I am at tennis, even though I had a good time in my struggles. As it was rainy today, the nine people at my house decided to go see Harry Potter, FINALLY! It was extremely good, and definitely the best so far. People complain that it was lacking 'action' and such, but I think the relatively slow pace (compared to the previous films) allowed for much more character development, and better captured the brilliance of the books. As a huge fan of the books (reading each at least ten times), I always feel the movies are bittersweet, as they are often unfaithful to the books or like the earlier ones, catastrophic to the images created in my head. This time I just sat back and enjoyed it greatly, especially because of all the little things. Movie Review of the Day. For the past two nights I have been sleeping on the porch and it's the best thing. The rain at night in the past few days has been beautiful. It's so peaceful listening to it and feeling it against your face as you drift into sleep. Overall these past few days have seemed busy and satisfying, although I haven't done very much. Summer in a nutshell for you. Plans by Bloc Party


Brian said...

I completely agree with your Harry Potter critique! Unfortunately, when I went to the midnight showing, many of the people I was with did not feel similarly. It's good to see someone who actually appreciates the dramatic parts, though.

haha enough of the HP madness...

Phoebe Glick said...
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Emily Glick said...

Alex looks like such a model aha but seriously, its a great picture