I'm having writers block. It honestly just took me the longest time to the think of a sentence.
My day: I immersed myself in my history essay, and at night went out to see a film. At the present moment I have so many thoughts all somehow tied to WWII and the enigma of the Holocaust. The book I'm reviewing for history claims that Hitler had no preconceived plans and didn't even want war, just concessions. Painting him as an opportunist who stumbled upon war, and not the genocidal fuckhead that he was felt like a very detached and emotionless view to me. Sure, the book mentions anti-semitism and the Holocaust a bit, but overall it glosses over it. Oh lordy this is sounding just like a history paper. I went to see Inglorious Basterds tonight with my dad and a few friends, and when we got there it turned out I had misread the schedule and we had to wait in Gardner for two hours. NBD we just went bowling, but I could have sworn it was monday not sunday, hence my mistake reading the schedule. Anyway, the Tarantino film was fascinating and had many scenes that were incredible. It is a very amoral film as the 'good guys' are often seen scalping or brutally killing Nazi's. Seeing Hitler's body graphically destroyed and torn to shreds by gunfire made a very small barbarian side of myself come out. I think it was a really intriguing and powerful film. Jewish identity is very much linked to the Holocaust. The questions about are had to answser and I think every Jew find their own ways to understand the Holocaust.


Emily Glick said...

Painting him as an opportunist who stumbled upon war, and not the genocidal fuckhead that he was felt like a very detached and emotionless view to me.

^love this hahaha

J037 said...

I wish i had used it in my paper