I'm having writers block. It honestly just took me the longest time to the think of a sentence.
My day: I immersed myself in my history essay, and at night went out to see a film. At the present moment I have so many thoughts all somehow tied to WWII and the enigma of the Holocaust. The book I'm reviewing for history claims that Hitler had no preconceived plans and didn't even want war, just concessions. Painting him as an opportunist who stumbled upon war, and not the genocidal fuckhead that he was felt like a very detached and emotionless view to me. Sure, the book mentions anti-semitism and the Holocaust a bit, but overall it glosses over it. Oh lordy this is sounding just like a history paper. I went to see Inglorious Basterds tonight with my dad and a few friends, and when we got there it turned out I had misread the schedule and we had to wait in Gardner for two hours. NBD we just went bowling, but I could have sworn it was monday not sunday, hence my mistake reading the schedule. Anyway, the Tarantino film was fascinating and had many scenes that were incredible. It is a very amoral film as the 'good guys' are often seen scalping or brutally killing Nazi's. Seeing Hitler's body graphically destroyed and torn to shreds by gunfire made a very small barbarian side of myself come out. I think it was a really intriguing and powerful film. Jewish identity is very much linked to the Holocaust. The questions about are had to answser and I think every Jew find their own ways to understand the Holocaust.

Waking up at 1 really shortens a day. At 6 I felt myself wondering where the day had gone, and it was a tad disorientating. To replenish my wardrobe for school, we stopped off at the thrift store and I found about twenty things I wanted which I cut down to a meager five. I also had a hellish dentist's appointment. Apparently I had a lot of plaque on my teeth or something because my dentist held up a tooth brush and said 'Do you have any idea what this is?'. His sass was not needed, and he proceeded to scrape at my teeth with his little metal instruments, all the time shaking his head disapprovingly. Tonight my dad and I went to see District 9 in Gardner, and I really enjoyed it. The film would probably be categorized as sci-fi but it was a lot more interesting and elaborate than that. It was filmed in the shanty towns of South Africa and was more of a commentary on the issues of race and discrimination. Daylight by Matt and Kim

For some strange reason I woke up this morning determined to accomplish three goals: finishing my history book, editing all my pictures and cleaning my room. I hate planning to do things and prefer to spontaneously do them. I read ten pages then called it quits. My room is just as messy, and my photos are just how I left them yesterday. I did listen to many of pitchfork's 500 songs of the decade, and disillusioned myself with the fake notion that I was somehow being productive. Honestly though, productive is overrated.
I am glad not to be trying out for soccer this year. Let's think, a year ago I was probably in a tryout, in the miserable heat, and thinking why the fuck am I putting myself through this? The coaches made it more like the army, and because of how shit high school sports are, I decided it wasn't worth having a terrible first two months of school getting yelled at everyday. Not the hardest decision in the world. Golden Skans by The Klaxons

I haven't been taking many pictures lately. That is partly why my pictures on here are all from Europe, but also because I don't want them to just sit in a little file on my computer for eternity. Yesterday evening with Emleaf and EmGlick and Bryan reminded me of early July, which was probably my favorite part of this summer. It sounds like cheesyfest '09, but I feel so carefree driving around and listening to music with those guys. My blog is feeling majorly lacking since I've gotten back, I gotta rectify that soon. It could possibly be because I have been far less intraspective of late because I have been rather busy and have had little time alone, but I'm sure my blog will recover from this temporary bout of dullness.
Today was one of the those fine summer days that you can almost feel slipping away from you as school draws closer. This evening I had my first dinner at home since I've gotten back from Europe, and it was pleasant sitting on my screened in porch, eating with the fam. The song of the day is Little Secrets by Passion Pit as it is truly the shit.

I need to get back in the habit of doing this. Friday night into Saturday I didn't sleep at all, and consequently felt like shit for quite a while. I felt so happy to sleep in my own bed, like a little kid. On another note, I wish I was better at understanding people. Maybe it's just the simple fact that people are composed of so many different layers that it isn't easy to fully 'know someone'. Then again, how would you ever get to know anybody or develop meaningful relationships or friendships if you knew everything about everyone. Life is basically about learning how to read people, or at least that's my faux-philosophical idea of the day. Today I had planned on having no plans, but instead went to a soccer game with my friend and his brother and had a good time. I need blogging because otherwise I have too many loose thoughts in my head that swirl about.
The song of the day is 12:51 by the Strokes, partly because I just looked down at the time and it was incidentally 12:51. I promise I will have a Europe section of the blog soon, but at least some of my Switzerland photos are done and on facebook. It's a start.
I'm looking forward to school. Call me crazy.

It's been a while. I was determined to write a journal entry for everyday of my travels, and then post them on here and that went well... pause not. I failed to write for any of the days, but instead took a lot of pictures to document my days. Unfortunately my lens was dirty and I have to edit out little spots on every single picture. It's a tremendous nuisance. It's hard to get back into blogging after such a long break. Hopefully in the next few days I'll have some long and photo-filled accounts of my trip to Europe, but I am overly lazy at the moment. I have had a really good few days back, and I am no longer jet lagged.